Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | crt screen | dialog box | earth | plant | poster | sky | trade name | window OCR: Macintosh Drderins Information Macintosh SF CPU No. M5252 With your order vou'll reccive the t0ollowirsg: Marintosh personal com puter wj[h luill-in 9-inch m onitor Hndl iw buil 1-in X kilobyte disk drives Mouse Owner': guidc Systen Tools disk and :k| Macintosh utilities Macintosh alilities guide: Training Limited staterment Macintosh SE Order NO M5251 With orcler ynu'll reccive lard Disk 20 CPU the following: Macinlosh HH [EUN1x] CSHT1 puter with built-in 9-inch morsitor. one builr- -in 800 kilobyte cdisk and 1n- terntal 20-megabyre SCSI hard-lisk IAHP MOUNE! Owner': guide Systein Tools dlisk hackup Macintosh utilitics disk Macintosh urilitier guide Training disk Limitexl slatement Apple Computer, Inc. 20525 Mariani Averuc Anple Apple lo: ApleTL sndlasarir Qupertino CA 95014 Inc AppS kmpu ...